
   网站首页 >  调查问卷 >  关于大学教育的调查问卷

1:What is your major?(请问您的专业是?)*
2:Do you like your major(您对自己的专业是否喜欢)?*
3: What do you think of the teaching level and quality of this major(你对本专业教学水平与质量有何看法)?*
4: What do you think of the value of the course you have learned(你认为自己所学的课程价值如何)? *
5:Do you think basic courses should be the main course of college courses or professional education(你认为大学课程安排中应该以基础教育为主还是以专业教育为主)?*
6:Some of the schools are not related to majors, such as elective courses in humanities quality. Are you willing to go(学校开设的一些与专业无关,如人文素质选修课等,你愿意去吗)?*
7:What do you think is the most important thing for your university(你认为大学你最重要的收获是什么)?*
8: What do you think of the problems in Chinese education(你认为中国教育存在的问题有哪些)?*(只能选择1-6项)
9:Do you think your school has a strong idea of educating people? Such as the sense of responsibility, the spirit of devotion(你觉得自己学校的育人观念强吗?如责任意识,敬业精神)*
10:What do you think is the core of university education reform(你认为大学教育改革核心重点在哪些方面)? *(只能选择1-4项)
11:What is your attitude to your study(你对自己学习的态度是什么)?*
12:Do you think there is a definite plan for the future work(你认为未来的工作是否现在就要有一定的规划)?*
13:Does the school provide a special lecture on career planning(学校是否提供专门的职业规划讲座)?*
14:What do you think is worth learning for foreign educational models(对于国外的教育模式,你认为哪些值得我们学习)?*(只能选择1-4项)
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   版权所有:2019 东北石油大学


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